Book Collection
Dynamic Drawings (5th Series)
As highlighted in 'Bray Magazine' and 'Donkey Magazine'
ME Donk and Bryan - our seventh Donk.
Full name - Malcolm Eric Erasmus!!!
Claire, M.E. and L.O.T. - our eighth Donk.
Full name - Lorna Octavia Tessa (otherwise Miss Personality or Tessa Typhoon)!!!!
Bryan's first meeting with Herbie, new year 2007. Herbie barely 1 year old!
No 48 - A Dictatorial Donk Into Dictionaries!
- A Dictatorial Donk Into Dictionaries!
- Donks Are Daunted.
- A Donk Digresses - Donks Don't Do Double Dutch!!
- A Depressed And Disenchanted Donk - Questions Dividing?
- A Deceitful And Domineering Donk!
- Donks Domestic Dissensions Or Divorce?
- Donks Don't Disparage or Disrespect.
- Donks Don't Do Dicky.
- Donks Don't Do Next Door - Donks Do Detached.
- Plus colouring section
No 49 - Donks Don't Do Dandruff!!
- Donks Dice With Lice!
- Donks Don't Do Dandruff!!
- Donks Dissuade, Disinfect And Dispose.
- Donks Detergent And Deodrant.
- Donks Do Downstairs / Below Deck.
- Donks Don't Dress Up - Require A Dressmaker.
- Donks Duplicate?
- Donks Are Displeased.
- A Dainty, Diddy Donk - Is A Draw !
- Plus colouring section
No 50 - Donks Do Dungarees And Diss.
- Donks Do Dungarees And Diss.
- Donks Do West Dean.
- Donks Do Gt. Dixter And Downland.
- Donks Do Deene Park.
- Donks Do Dorothy's Garden.
- Dexterous Donks.
- A Donk Does Delicious Deductions!!!
- Donks Don't Do Dahlias; But Do Distinctive.
- Donks Debate Design And Diversification.
- Plus colouring section
No 51 - Donks And The Delicatessens.
- Donks And The Dales.
- Donks And The Delicatessens.
- Donks Distribute Donker Bread And Digestives.
- A Donk Is A Depnophist!
- Donks Devour.
- Donks Distaste Dregs!
- Donks Do Durham And NOT Dundee.
- Donks Do Drum And Dun Castles.
- Donks Do Dumfries And On The Way Down But NOT Douglas Or Dublin.
- Plus colouring section
No 52 - Donks Do Down To Earth Dakota.
- Donks Dispel Dania Beach.
- Donks Don't Do Decadence Or Dissolute.
- Donks Deign?
- Donks Don't Do Deference.
- Donks Are Dismayed.
- Donks Do Different Birds Than Doves.
- Donks Do Different Dunes.
- Donks Do Down To Earth Dakota.
- Donks Don't Disunite And Direct To South Of Dallas.
- Plus colouring section
No 53a - Diligent Donks Don't Let U Down.
Inc. Donks Detoxify Near Downham Market!
- Donks Declare.
- Donks Are Decisive.
- Donks Dispatch.
- Donks Don't Discourage.
- Donks Do Drogo Castle.
- Demonstrative Donks And A Docile Disposition.
- Donks Discuss Disorganisation and Defaulting Deadlines.
- Diligent Donks Don't Let U Down.
- Dependable Darcy Donk.
- A Fuddy Duddy Donks Demise - Donks Are Devastated.
- Donks Dismantle And Distribute - Default Due To Debt + Don't Do A Direct Debit!
- Donks Detoxify Near Downham Market!
- Plus colouring section
No 53b - Diligent Donks Don't Let U Down.
Inc. Donks Don't Do Diarrhoea Or Dyspepsia Or Dysentery!!!!!
- Donks Don't Do - Disorientation, Duality, Drawbacks, Damp Squib And Dry As Dust!!!!!
- Discrete And Deft Donks - A Dab Hand At Decoding, Derogatory Discourse And Demand No Degrading.
- Donks Don't Do Dementia Denied - Desist Decay And Do Deportment Instead.
- Donks Do The Ditch - A Dishevelled, Dysfunctional Donk And A Demure Donk Does NOT Dissolve!!
- Donks Don't Do Doric Design.
- Donks Don't Do Dunstanburgh Castle; But, Do Daunting Castles.
- Donks Don't Do Diarrhoea Or Dyspepsia Or Dysentery!!!!!
- Plus colouring section
No 53c - Diligent Donks Don't Let U Down.
Inc. Donks Do Drills At Dinefwr; But, Don't Do Dylan Or Disinstruct.
- Duped Donks Don't Do Disfigurement.
- Donks Don't Do Defensive Drops And Divided Destination.
- Discrete And Diplomatic Donks Don't Do Disclosures; But, Do Darbles And Detention.
- Dissident Donks Don't Do Discrimination.
- Donks Do Drills At Dinefwr; But, Don't Do Dylan Or Disinstruct.
- Donks Don't Do Disruption And Diggers.
- Donks Don't Do Decadence And Dissipation; But, Do D/Jammy Dodging.
- Despairing Donks Don't Do Dubious And Disheartened Donks Don't Do A Dormer.
- Donks Deplore OVER Development And Deprivation.
- Plus colouring section
No 53d - Diligent Donks Don't Let U Down.
Inc. Donks Don't Do Dishes; But, Do Dishwashers And Radishes And Dopamine.
- Dynasty Donks Are NOT Disillusioned And Don't Dwindle!!!!!!!!!
- Donks Don't Do Deadbeats And Duds Nor Docks; But, Do Dough.
- Desert Donks Do ???dinia And Are NOT Dolts.
- Donks Don't Do Distress And DETEST Death.
- Donks Down On't Springs.
- Donks Do DBS And Dodgems.
- Donks Don't Do Dildash Lane; But, Describe And Detoxify Near Field Dalling.
- Donks Do ??damar Destination; But, Don't Do Deluge.
- Donks Don't Do Dishes; But, Do Dishwashers And Radishes And Dopamine.
- Plus colouring section
No 53e - Diligent Donks Don't Let U Down.
Inc. Donks At Dimpse.
- Donks Do Lockdown And Social Distancing With Old Dodders.
- Donks Do Delf(t), Actually, Delph And What's On Their Doorstep!
- Donks Do Denford Avenue And The Dunes.
- Donks Do DownTIME With Dunlins And Destress Discovering More Outdoors.
- Donks Don't Do Defective; But, Do A Defibrillator.
- Donks Do A Different Diesel!
- Detained Donks In Dire Danger!!!
- Donks Do Doon To Dunoon In Discomfort; But, Are Not Downtrodden!!
- Some Donks Are Dontopedalogists. Who Else?
- Plus colouring section
No 53f - Diligent Donks Don't Let U Down.
Inc. Dicing With Dippers At Dollar Glen. Then, Donks Discover Dunnotar Castle And Dipstick In A Kilt At The Braemar Gatheriung, Before Redoing Dunkeld.
- Doris Didn't Direct And Is In The Doghouse. A Donk Has To Redirect.
- Dismissive Donks Dwelling Diary. Drifting Dams.
- Donks At Dimpse.
- Delirious Donks Dwelling Is NOT A Dosshouse, Doghouse Or A Duplex!!!
- A Donk Diversifies And Disillusioned, Disruptive, Depressed Donks Disband!!!
- A Doke Donk Dithers And Is Given Away!
- Plus, The Penny Dropped Regarding The Dwellings Of Dwellings!!
- Donks And Dennis, The Disused Fire Engine. Plus, Donks Do Dozo In Gozo!!
- Donks Display Dismay At Diversity And Disinterest At Cricket Club.
- Donks Do County Down; But, A Donk Does NOT Do Doagh; But, Derrymore!!
- Donks Continue To Do County Down; But, NOT Defunct Dodos.
- Dicing With Dippers At Dollar Glen. Then, Donks Discover Dunnotar Castle And Dipstick In A Kilt At The Braemar Gatheriung, Before Redoing Dunkeld.
- A Duffer Donk Does NOT DO Dean; But Dings Bowls! A Decisive Donk Does NOT Do Distilleries.
- Two Donks Plus Dobbin And Dignatries Are Welcomed At Dunmore Pineapple.
- (Cancelled due to COVID-19) - Donks Do South Dakota Dust-bowls With No Duster; But, With Deodrants.
- Plus colouring section
- THE END!!!!!!!!
After four hundred and seventy seven stories or fifty three books - I think I will cease scribbling
and let U have a bash of thinking up a Donkey adventure. I may be scribbling quite another poignant story in the imminent future ! ! !